High School
Lesson Plans from our educator community

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- Behavior Over Time Graphs (BOTG)
- Community Project
- Design Thinking
- Education Program Development
- English Language and Literature
- Environmental Education
- Gilman's Equation
- Global Citizenship Education
- Health and Wellbeing
- Humanities
- IB Education
- Ladder of Inference
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- Natural Sciences
- Outdoor Education
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- Pyramid Lite (VISIS)
- Resource Pack
- SDGs
- Service Learning
- Social Emotional Learning
- Social Sciences
- Student Leadership
- Sustainability Compass
- Sustainable Development Project
- Sustainable Habits of Mind
- Systems Iceberg
- Systems Mapping/Causal Loop Diagram
- Teacher Education
- Technology
- The Arts
- Triangles Game
- All
- Behavior Over Time Graphs (BOTG)
- Community Project
- Design Thinking
- Education Program Development
- English Language and Literature
- Environmental Education
- Gilman's Equation
- Global Citizenship Education
- Health and Wellbeing
- Humanities
- IB Education
- Ladder of Inference
- Language Acquisition
- Math
- Natural Sciences
- Outdoor Education
- Professional Development
- Pyramid Lite (VISIS)
- Resource Pack
- SDGs
- Service Learning
- Social Emotional Learning
- Social Sciences
- Student Leadership
- Sustainability Compass
- Sustainable Development Project
- Sustainable Habits of Mind
- Systems Iceberg
- Systems Mapping/Causal Loop Diagram
- Teacher Education
- Technology
- The Arts
- Triangles Game
High SchoolLesson Plan
Gestión de proyectos grado 11: Sostenibilidad de las empresas para un mundo mejor
Resumen Analizar el impacto de las empresas en su compromiso con la sostenibilidad y la importancia que como futuros empresarios tengan estos aspectos en cuenta. ...
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High SchoolLesson Plan
Grade 11/12 Marine Ecology Podcast Project
Summary This 70-minute lesson plan is designed as the introduction to our Marine Ecology podcast project. To jumpstart students on this podcast project, we will ...
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High SchoolLesson PlanUncategorized
Analysis of Difficulties Encountered in Community Outreach Service Day
Summary Analyze with the Systems Iceberg Model the difficulties encountered when performing a Community Service Day, and generate possible new mental models to improve performance ...
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High SchoolLesson Plan
Grade 10 Strategies for Conserving Biodiversity (IGCSE Environmental Management)
Summary Describe and explain the need for the sustainable management of forests and answer the question ‘why are forests important?’.
Environmental Education Global Citizenship Education Humanities Natural Sciences Social Sciences Sustainability Compass Sustainable Development Project Systems Iceberg Technology
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High SchoolLesson Plan
Grade 10 Individuals and Societies: An Engaging Sustainable Inquiry on Megacities
Summary This tenth grade/MYP 5 Individuals & Societies lesson plan aims to provide students the critical thinking skills they will need to analyze the problems ...
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