Submit an Article/Video for Publication


We invite you to contribute to the Compass Education blog with articles and videos to share your experience using the Sustainability Compass and other systems thinking tools with our community. We also welcome ideas for news, features, and opinions on sustainability in education topics and innovations.

We welcome a range of topics ranging from those focused on teaching & learning in schools to broader commentary on systems thinking and education for sustainable development. Some possible topics we invite you to explore:

  • Your experience like using a Compass Tool in the classroom
  • Your experience like using a Compass Tool to make community change
  • Commentary on examples of students work and learning activities
  • Ways systems thinking shapes your view of education for sustainable development or ESD issues like the United Nations SDGs
  • Applying Compass Tools to current events and global trends (your views or yours students)

The articles and videos will be publicly available. Articles will be published on the Compass Education Blog. Videos will also be published to our YouTube channel and may be used in workshops, courses, or community meet-ups.

Our tone

Stories should be educational, informative, and inspiring. Each piece may encourage our audience for the discussion.

Our audience

Educators and education leaders interested in how systems thinking education can help create sustainable systems change including teachers, school leaders, students, higher education professionals, business professionals, social entrepreneurs, civil society professional, government professionals, and more.

Technical requirements for article submission

  • Articles should be submitted through the form below in either a Google doc or Word doc (.doc/. docx) or PDF file format.
  • Articles should contain at least 300 words.
  • Articles should include at least one image with high resolution owned by you and sent in JPG, JEPG or PNG format.
  • All submissions should be fact-checked, and have original content with provided sources for all information.
  • If you use abbreviations or acronyms, provide a full explanation of the first usage.
  • When using uncommon non-English terms or phrases, please include an explanation.
  • You should provide a short bio (100-200 words) and a recent photograph. We love to feature our guest authors.

Technical requirements for video submission

  • Videos should be submitted in a typical video format and resolution (MP4, M4V, MOV, AVI). We strongly recommend MP4 encoding (with H.264 compression). 
  • Videos should strictly follow the duration limit of 5 minutes. If the video submission is longer than the limit, it will be trimmed as we see fit.
  • Speech should be clearly audible and text should be readable.
  • Video submissions should be equipped with a short description/summary (50-100 words).
  • All visual materials should be original or open source.
  • You should provide a short bio (100-200 words) and a recent photograph. We love to feature our guest authors.

Please note

  • Articles/videos will be published within one week after submission.
  • Ensure that you have sought and obtained all appropriate permissions for images of individuals (especially children/students) appearing in the submitted images and/or videos. 
  • You’ll gain great exposure to our audience: 100K+ community members.
  • You do retain ownership of your work and may re-use it.
  • Please send your article/video by filling out this submission form below.

We’re making a difference 800+ SCHOOLS

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